Learn German online free app
Learn German online free app in a correct and easy way, we will offer you the solution today in the Learn German online free application. Learn German for beginners, this application introduces German grammar with ease.
It is worth noting the thanks of the German language experts in the Learn German online free application, after conducting a study on a group of people learning German on this application, and it has indeed proven very effective in learning German. We explain it on Ya hala.

Learn German online free app
In the following lines, we will mention a group of German learning applications:
Duolingo website and application Learn German
It is perhaps one of the most popular apps currently in use, with over 500 million users! One of the advantages of Duolingo is that it is completely free.
Today’s app provides focus on all skills such as reading, writing, listening and pronunciation, plus grammar lessons, entertaining and marginal stories to read.
Memrise app to learn German for beginners
One of the most important features of the app is your ability to listen to native speakers, as well as a memes section below each new word or sentence that users add.
This is to facilitate memorizing new words for themselves. You can use the app for free, but important features like listening and speaking training are paid for.
Babbel website and application learn German easily
Babbel includes all the skills, and in a very professional way, it is characterized by the quality of the sound clips and the use of sentences from everyday life.
Also, its tutorials are organized in a very practical way that enables you to choose exactly what you want to learn.
Its organizers recently added the feature of participating in paid educational workshops with German teachers, which from time to time will give you the atmosphere of the classroom if you miss it.
In addition to being able to use the site for language learning, the platform includes many useful articles and tips on language learning.
Busu app to learn German
One of the advantages of this application is that the lessons are clearly divided by level, and there is an actual exam that follows each level, and when you pass it, you get a certificate.
There is also help you will get from locals and native speakers who will correct your mistakes on topics of conversation and writing.
Drops app learn German easily
These old apps also allow you to learn more languages. But if you are looking for something that focuses exclusively on the German language, then this app is our best choice. Because it focuses on language. We have many exercises especially vocabulary available in the app.
So we know the most important words and what we will also use today. We also practice grammar rules that help us learn language. Its design is one of the keys to the application. Well designed, yet easy to use.
Downloading this app for Android is free. Although we find inside purchases and ads. Some purchases can go up to 190 euros, which is really ridiculous and unnecessary.
HelloTalk app learn German
This third app on the list is betting on a different system to help us learn German. In this case they do not use tests, tests or exercises.
But what they will do is introduce us to chat rooms where we will be able to talk and practice the language with other people.
So it is an app designed for people who have studied German for some time and want to start practicing the language with other people. In this sense, it is a very useful application. Since we’ve seen how others use this language.
Downloading this app for Android is free. Although there are purchases and advertisements inside. We can try it for free during the beginning, although you have to pay money later for some functions.
B1 Deutsch app learn German
In the event that you already know the basics of learning German language and want to continue your current level until you reach the third or pre-intermediate level, I advise you to download this application, which is the fifth application to learn the German language.
The third level of DVV applications includes more advanced lessons in the language, which are words related to media and memories, and contains 12 lessons like the rest of the center applications, and it features audio and video support so that it is easy for you to remember the new terms.
German learning app
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