Islamic girls names rare

Islamic girls names rare – It is possible to choose the names of girls from the Qur’an that carry beautiful and good meanings, and therefore we provide you with a long list of Islamic girls names taken from the Holy Qur’an We explain it on Ya hala.

Islamic girls names rare
Islamic girls names rare

Islamic girls names rare

In the following lines, we explain the names of beautiful Islamic girls:

  • Hafsa: The name of the daughter of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, and it means mercy.
  • Amna: The name of the mother of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. It means psychological calm and reassurance.
  • Safana: The pearl or shipbuilding.
  • Rufaida: Help and honesty.
  • Thuwaiba: A name that is diminutive of thobe, and it is the name of the first wet nurse of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Khawla: The name of a poetess during the era of Othman bin Affan, and it means the one who imagined her beauty.
  • Atika: The noble, the beautiful, and it is the name of the Prophet’s aunt, Atika bint Abd al-Muttalib.
  • Afifa: An Islamic name that means pure, kind and beautiful.
  • Ishal: Little water flows from the mountains.
  • Juwairiyah: An underway diminutive.
  • Sirin: The sister of Maria Qutbiyya, the wife of the Messenger, whom Hassan bin Thabit married, which means a lot of satiety or full.
  • Asma: Of sublimeness, exaltedness, and lofty status.
  • Dora: The Pearl.
  • Zainab: The name of the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it is a beautiful tree in shape and smell.

Read more: Islamic girls names and their meanings

Islamic girls names rare
Islamic girls names rare

What is the rarest Islamic name?

In the following lines, we explain Islamic girls names rare:

  • Umm Kulthum: The name of the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and its meaning is full of face and cheeks.
  • Abrar: the plural of bar, which is the faithful and obedient believer.
  • Mawaddah: of friendliness and love.
  • Rafaq: means softness.
  • Taqwa: that which fears and fears God Almighty.
  • Sawda: A sweet, rare and Muslim name for girls, meaning the land where palm trees are thrown.
  • Nectar: A sweet-tasting liquid substance secreted by plants to attract insects such as bees. It is one of the names mentioned in the Qur’an.
  • Istabraq: silk woven with gold threads.
  • Sondos: It was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, meaning a type of silk or brocade garment.
  • Maria: She is the white woman and a kind of white dove.
  • Tanweer: A name derived from light.
  • Jumana: The pearl or a bead of silver color like a pearl.
Islamic girls names rare
Islamic girls names rare

What is the rarest girl name?

In the following lines, we explain Islamic girls names rare:

  • Bushra: Meaning the joyful and beautiful news.
  • Bilqis: The name of the Queen of Sheba, who was mentioned in the Holy Quran.
  • Batool: pure and pure woman.
  • Judy: This name was mentioned in the Holy Quran, and it is the generation on which the ark of our master Noah, peace be upon him, settled.
  • Umamah: An Arabic Muslim feminine name meaning 300 camels. It is the name of the granddaughter of the Messenger of God, Umamah bint al-Aas.
  • Reaping: All that is reaped from trees mentioned in Surat Al-Rahman, and reaping the two gardens is Dan.
  • Lujain: An Arabic Muslim name meaning silver.
  • Sidra: The name is mentioned in the Qur’an and means the buckthorn tree in Paradise.
  • Prostration: which is prostration during prayer.
  • Tasbeeh: Remembrance and praise of God Almighty.
  • Islam: means the religion of Islam.
  • Prayer: supplication to God and monologues.
  • Halima: The name of the wet nurse of our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Basmala: It is saying in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

What is the best Islamic name for a girl?

In the following lines, we explain Islamic girls names rare:

  • Buruj: high forts or houses that are built on walls and the name of Surah in the Holy Qur’an.
  • Asiya: The meditator and the sad, and it is the name of Pharaoh’s wife, Asiya bint Muzahem.
  • Kawthar: The name of one of the rivers of Paradise.
  • Aisha: The name of the wife of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • Tasneem: A spring of water in heaven.
  • Rawda: A Muslim girls name, meaning the beautiful garden or the green land. It is one of the gardens of Paradise.
  • Jazia: means reward.
  • Eden: Gardens of Eden are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, beneath which rivers flow.
  • Forgiveness: of pardon and forgiveness.
  • Hidaya: From righteousness and following the right path.
  • Salsabil: Sweet water and the name of an eye in heaven, which also means sweet drink.
  • Altruism: preferring others over oneself.
  • Razan: An Arabic name meaning dignity and sobriety of mind.
  • Sabil: means way.
  • End: the end, the ultimate goal.
  • Dhuha: the time of sunrise.
  • Dawn: The beginning of the morning and the name of a surah of the Holy Qur’an.

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